- Creator: Migueon22
- Version: Completed v1
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 19, 2022
Here are the cheat codes for Pokemon Ephemerald. All these cheats have been tested and are working, verified by various players online. To avoid any typing mistakes, you can copy the codes directly into your emulator, as they include combinations of numbers and letters.
Download the latest version of Pokemon Ultimate Fusion.
The game is enjoyable on its own, but using cheats can make it even more entertaining. Remember to enter them as either Game Shark (Action Replay) or Code Breaker cheats, and ensure they are activated; otherwise, they won’t be effective. Additionally, avoid using too many cheats simultaneously to prevent the game from crashing or glitching.
Pokemon Ultimate Fusion Cheat List
Warning: Before using these cheats, please be aware that using cheats can sometimes mess up your game. Occasionally, It can also cause random freezing and other various glitches. As a rule of thumb, enable one cheat at a time. And finally, make sure to save your game before using any cheat code.
Pokemon Modifier Cheats (All GameShark)
Use the codes as instructed in each section. The cheats will allow you to encounter Pokemon from all Generations.
Master code
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
Cheat code (Replace the Y‘s with the modifier ID code below)
B749822B CE9BFAC1
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Item Modifier Cheats (All Code Breaker)
These Item Modifier cheats work in different ways. For the first two being Master Ball and rare candies, you can use their respective cheats and get the items from the item PC.
Rare Candies
Master Balls
128898B6 EDA43037

The items will then be available for purchase from any Poke Mart. They will replace the first item for sale in the Mart.
Unfortunately, they are not free, so be sure you have money or use the unlimited money cheat. (See Misc. Cheats Below)
82005274 0YYY
Poke Balls
002 – Ultra Ball
003 – Great Ball
004 – Poke Ball
005 – Safari Ball
006 – Net Ball
007 – Dive Ball
008 – Nest Ball
009 – Repeat Ball
00A – Timer Ball
00B – Luxury Ball
00C – Premier Ball
Healing Items
00D = Potion
00E = Antidote
00F = Burn Heal
010 = Ice Heal
011 = Awakening
012 = Paralyz heal
013 = Full Restore
014 = Max Potion
015 = Hyper Potion
016 = Super Potion
085 – Cheri Berry
086 – Chesto Berry
087 – Pecha Berry
088 – Rawst Berry
089 – Aspear Berry
08A – Leppa Berry
08B – Oran Berry
08C – Persim Berry
08D – Lum Berry
08E – Sitrus Berry
08F – Figy Berry
090 – Wiki Berry
091 – Mago Berry
092 – Aguav Berry
093 – Iapapa Berry
094 – Razz Berry
095 – Bluk Berry
096 – Nanab Berry
097 – Wepear Berry
098 – Pinap Berry
099 – Pomeg Berry
09A – Kelpsy Berry
09B – Qualot Berry
09C – Hondew Berry
09D – Grepa Berry
09E – Tamato Berry
09F – Cornn Berry
0A0 – Magost Berry
0A1 – Rabuta Berry
0A2 – Nomel Berry
0A3 – Spelon Berry
0A4 – Pamtre Berry
0A5 – Watmel Berry
0A6 – Durin Berry
0A7 – Belue Berry
0A8 – Liechi Berry
0A9 – Ganlon Berry
0AA – Salac Berry
0AB – Petaya Berry
0AC – Apicot Berry
0AD – Lansat Berry
0AE – Starf Berry
0AF – Enigma Berry
Held Items
0B3 = Brightpowder
0B4 = White Herb
0B5 = Macho Brace
0B6 = Exp Share
0B7 = Quick Claw
0B8 = Soothe Bell
0B9 = Mental Herb
0BA = Choice Band
0BB = Kings Rock
0BC = Silverpowder
0BD = Amulet Coin
0BE = Cleanse Tag
0BF = Soul Dew
0C0 = Deep Sea Tooth
0C1 = Deep Sea Scale
0C2 = Smoke Ball
0C3 = Everstone
0C4 = Focus Band
0C5 = Lucky Egg
0C6 = Scope Lens
0C7 = Metal Coat
0C8 = Leftovers
0C9 = Dragon Scale
0CA = Light Ball
0CB = Soft Sand
0CC = Hard Stone
0CD = Miracle Seed
0CE = Black Glasses
0CF = Black Belt
0D0 = Magnet
0D1 = Mystic Water
0D2 = Sharp Beak
0D3 = Poison Barb
0D4 = Nevermeltice
0D5 = Spell Tag
0D6 = Twistedspoon
0D7 = Charcoal
0D8 = Dragon Fang
0D9 = Silk Scarf
0DA = Up=Grade
0DB = Shell Bell
0DC = Sea Incense
0DD = Lax Incense
0DE = Lucky Punch
0DF = Metal Powder
0E0 = Thick Club
0E1 = Stick
0FE = Red Scarf
0FF = Blue Scarf
100 = Pink Scarf
101 = Green Scarf
102 = Yellow Scarf
Misc Items
017 = Full Heal
018 = Revive
019 = Max Revive
01A = Fresh Water
01B = Soda Pop
01C = Lemonade
01D = MooMoo Milk
01E = Energy Powder
01F = Energy Root
020 = Heal Powder
021 = Revival Herb
022 = Ether
023 = Max Ether
024 = Elixir
025 = Max Elixir
026 = Lava Cookie
027 = Blue Flute
028 = Yellow Flute
029 = Red Flute
02A = Black Flute
02B = White Flute
02C = Berry Juice
02D = Sacred Ash
02E = Shoal Salt
02F = Shoal Shell
030 = Red Shard
031 = Blue Shard
032 = Yellow Shard
033 = Green Shard
03F = HR Up
040 = Protein
041 = Iron
042 = Carbos
043 = Calcium
044 = Rare Candy
045 = PP Up
046 = Zinc
047 = PP Max
049 = Guard Spec
04A = Dire Hit
04B = X Attack
04C = X Defend
04D = X Speed
04E = X Accuracy
04F = X Special
050 = Poke Doll
051 = Fluffy Tail
053 = Fire Stone
054 = Max Repel
055 = Escape Rope
056 = Repel
05D = Sun Stone
05E = Moon Stone
05F = Fire Stone
060 = Thunder Stone
061 = Water Stone
062 = Leaf Stone
067 = Tiny Mushroom
068 = Big Mushroom
06A = Pearl
06B = Big Pearl
06C = Stardust
06D = Star Piece
06E = Nugget
06F = Heart Scale
121 – TM01 = Focus Punch
122 – TM02 = Dragon Claw
123 – TM03 = Water Pulse
124 – TM04 = Calm Mind
125 – TM05 = Roar
126 – TM06 = Toxic
127 – TM07 = Hail
128 – TM08 = Bulk Up
129 – TM09 = Bullet Seed
12A – TM10 = Hidden Power
12B – TM11 = Sunny Day
12C – TM12 = Taunt
12D – TM13 = Ice Beam
12E – TM14 = Blizzard
12F – TM15 = Hyper Beam
130 – TM16 = Light Screen
131 – TM17 = Protect
132 – TM18 = Rain Dance
133 – TM19 = Giga Drain
134 – TM20 = Safeguard
135 – TM21 = Frustration
136 – TM22 = SolarBeam
137 – TM23 = Iron Tail
138 – TM24 = Thunderbolt
139 – TM25 = Thunder
13A – TM26 = Earthquake
13B – TM27 = Return
13C – TM28 = Dig
13D – TM29 = Psychic
13E – TM30 = Shadow Ball
13F – TM31 = Brick Break
140 – TM32 = Double Team
141 – TM33 = Reflect
142 – TM34 = Shock Wave
143 – TM35 = Flamethrower
144 – TM36 = Sludge Bomb
145 – TM37 = Sandstorm
146 – TM38 = Fire Blast
147 – TM39 = Rock Tomb
148 – TM40 = Aerial Ace
149 – TM41 = Torment
14A – TM42 = Facade
14B – TM43 = Secret Power
14C – TM44 = Rest
14D – TM45 = Attract
14E – TM46 = Thief
14F – TM47 = Steel Wing
150 – TM48 = Skill Swap
151 – TM49 = Snatch
152 – TM50 = Overheat
153 – HM01 = Cut
154 – HM02 = Fly
155 – HM03 = Surf
156 – HM04 = Strength
157 – HM05 = Flash
158 – HM06 = Rock Smash
159 – HM07 = Waterfall
15A – HM08 = Dive
Pokemon Related Cheats (All Game Shark)
In this section you’ll find Pokemon Ultimate Fusion Cheats related to the Pokemon.
Shiny Pokemon Encounter
F3A9A86D 4E2629B4
18452A7D DDE55BCC
Use the code to encounter a Shiny Pokemon.
NOTE: Turn off the code before you catch the Pokemon to avoid the Name Glitch.
Max Stats
Use the code depending on where the Pokemon is located in your party to max out their stats.
1st Pokemon
82024542 03E7
82024544 03E7
82024546 03E7
82024548 03E7
8202454A 03E7
8202454C 03E7
8202454E 03E7
2nd Pokemon
820245A6 03E7
820245A8 03E7
820245AA 03E7
820245AC 03E7
820245AE 03E7
820245B0 03E7
820245B2 03E7
3rd Pokemon
8202460A 03E7
8202460C 03E7
8202460E 03E7
82024610 03E7
82024612 03E7
82024614 03E7
82024616 03E7
4th Pokemon
8202466E 03E7
82024670 03E7
82024672 03E7
82024674 03E7
82024676 03E7
82024678 03E7
8202467A 03E7
5th Pokemon
820246D2 03E7
820246D4 03E7
820246D6 03E7
820246D8 03E7
820246DA 03E7
820246DC 03E7
820246DE 03E7
6th Pokemon
82024736 03E7
82024738 03E7
8202473A 03E7
8202473C 03E7
8202473E 03E7
82024740 03E7
82024742 03E7
Perfect IV Stats
E25F4B56 B9166862
Use the code to get Perfect IV stats on your Pokemon.
Pokemon Gender Modifier
Choose the code of the Gender you want to encounter.
7F06853C D823D089
0A694B5A 43A6964F
7F06853C D823D089
7980105E FC3721D0
Pokemon Nature Modifier
How to use: Add the cheat code and replace the Y’s with the corresponding Nature Code id.
Cheat Code
6658C989 89518A0F
217A1A8B E666BC3F = Hardy
CD72C719 F2831689 = Lonely
EB200815 63938154 = Brave
C8CE1977 779F1AA5 = Adamant
2AC59EBF 40C4F367 = Naughty
5E7363AA 5D262877 = Bold
2C707820 9C67A3F0 = Docile
471AA96A 79ECA891 = Relaxed
4F71D6E0 699827D5 = Impish
2717EE59 7564BC55 = Lax
71296D0B D469AD70 = Timid
A79D2EF2 F82F5AF7 = Hasty
A8510C52 65C50481 = Serious
5769723D 1DA05C56 = Jolly
ED5B105D B88A30D8 = Naive
CA12F7A9 56873493 = Modest
31D9195E 5DF03DCE = Mild
E7EC9FF0 70029AE9 = Quiet
5C43DDAA 02D3FC98 = Bashful
24775C3B A15419C7 = Rash
D090BDDA 1968867D = Calm
7B499E06 77185F5C = Gentle
EBA4E60F F5F19690 = Sassy
5BFE17AB A5DC524C = Careful
ADF48A64 04D2988F = Quirky
Pokemon Level Modifier
Add the cheat code and replace the Y’s with the Level Code id, and the Wild Pokemon will have that level when you encounter them.
Cheat code
B749822B CE9BFAC1
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
65B97174 4A8FBA5C = Level 1
C1AEDD79 5939EF0C = Level 2
4CDE397B EFF6E457 = Level 3
86CB4F01 FB39B8BA = Level 4
EDBF0C4A FA18FA9F = Level 5
2C79FE38 E30F38FE = Level 6
A1EA0A38 A5E9063B = Level 7
04756825 0807C6A1 = Level 8
717DA41F 3FD37B40 = Level 9
076F8D1D EE3C0CD9 = Level 10
B69C8450 473A2A6A = Level 11
B3401E47 CF42C6B5 = Level 12
46657519 7800204C = Level 13
6E6EAE73 5F46BEDD = Level 14
A48D6017 E245D5ED = Level 15
E9D7E085 67756459 = Level 16
61F31742 495EF9E6 = Level 17
8C48D400 C701EBD6 = Level 18
5D38792B D1EC3503 = Level 19
B717825B 7A66F6A1 = Level 20
C90DB070 BE358A19 = Level 21
BFA8DF8D 806599B4 = Level 22
E5125084 0C4E73CE = Level 23
308CCC86 A32374F3 = Level 24
8478EB4A 57D82CBB = Level 25
2E3B86B4 1A2623D7 = Level 26
792D8658 E6CD2F14 = Level 27
DAABA89A CD8FD51E = Level 28
E4E4CA17 0386E75A = Level 29
640BC06E 716F7457 = Level 30
D7C48346 0C094A48 = Level 31
EF3658F0 6036495C = Level 32
7E63F78B FD346BBC = Level 33
80548C01 6804F508 = Level 34
4376B266 5BEABEF3 = Level 35
31A2B5C3 9B086C90 = Level 36
FB3D5638 6665FC5A = Level 37
A983268B A4800A5D = Level 38
EF5C2FD1 979F146D = Level 39
0DD48BFF CA04B434 = Level 40
0E183E24 7565CD99 = Level 41
405D137B A9EA697E = Level 42
338BB970 618C9289 = Level 43
3D4129AD 3F389E0B = Level 44
78937EED BD8501FC = Level 45
843AEF6E EB4896DD = Level 46
E3E9EC3B ADD8FA82 = Level 47
9C2970FF 7954A215 = Level 48
22A2A040 8618D6B6 = Level 49
93C37C9C 0419D3FE = Level 50
2B297F54 9510DB40 = Level 51
A04A94AF 6479DACA = Level 52
56571931 747837C4 = Level 53
569B7C43 6157E073 = Level 54
0ED659B3 0A74B037 = Level 55
1D6FDAFA E4DAF9FC = Level 56
06F84E22 833CC1F1 = Level 57
F7503B2F 6481CAD7 = Level 58
DAC5A494 F20312CD = Level 59
9B96A548 FC6BDEF8 = Level 60
A81962BA EA98B8D5 = Level 61
42A11A06 BFA9A866 = Level 62
E9681BC1 6F8839C3 = Level 63
6310815F 4890EAB8 = Level 64
C2ACED85 878CBAEA = Level 65
EC997ADC 4D78B881 = Level 66
55149812 50A4CD21 = Level 67
BAEE7273 E708BFA6 = Level 68
BAC64E2F D1147153 = Level 69
92CEFA5B 8F95C77D = Level 70
64AA1C21 0FBF4CC8 = Level 71
175BA46E 035419E1 = Level 72
CB688E20 CC46D8CF = Level 73
7602A075 72B4D087 = Level 74
8457FCFF 96956D3E = Level 75
7775D0C5 B930F262 = Level 76
B3CC9F71 DDB7ACAD = Level 77
0850AF9F 31D9D9A1 = Level 78
0BB7C094 5CDC5554 = Level 79
E5114176 8B9F8080 = Level 80
45D3BD95 F1377F94 = Level 81
8BAF13F3 34CF7392 = Level 82
5DA165FA 4525BB59 = Level 83
1ADA323F DED65B38 = Level 84
5F443F91 FE6F4146 = Level 85
E2C9E71B AA334D46 = Level 86
B345CB03 F2C1D3AD = Level 87
2A8ECD89 717B74BA = Level 88
2F01B8D7 4C7A2A4D = Level 89
C6D0207B 40494F80 = Level 90
C273D55A EDAA426E = Level 91
A9ACF54E 19FDC0F3 = Level 92
0D59D962 9B361B64 = Level 93
1F7214E8 96ECA8E0 = Level 94
A6A1B407 393CE546 = Level 95
A4B46892 A6FD7E0B = Level 96
5BCCF641 1F14428F = Level 97
9C45DC79 486E2DAE = Level 98
3F175042 05B8A08D = Level 99
68770050 678B8139 = Level 100
Unlimited PP
Use the code, and your Pokemon will never run out of PP.
Catch the Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
E151C402 8A229A83
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Use the code to catch the enemy Trainer’s Pokemon. The battle will end once the Pokemon is caught.
Press L and R before you throw the Poke Ball.
Get a Lot of EXP
Use the code to get a lot of EXP. Remove or turn off the code to stop getting EXP.
No Wild Pokemon Battles
B505DB41 6E39EA4E
Use the code to have no Wild Pokemon encounters.
Misc Cheats (All Game Shark)
The following Pokemon Ultimate Fusion Cheats can be used as well.
Walk Through Walls
Use the code to walk through walls and other terrain.
7881A409 E2026E0C
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Unlimited Money
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
1C7B3231 B494738C
C051CCF6 975E8DA1
Use the code to get an unlimited amount of money.
Choose any of the location codes to teleport to them. Turn off the code to stop teleporting.
6266061B C8C9D80F Player’s House
6178C413 3E2FF736 Elite Four Sidney
CE4225D2 7BDD5C76 Shard Collector’s house (Route 124)
303D269F 12358A21 Player’s Room
41509519 56FA6E47 Flower House (Route 104)
A6DF8006 B219CFD6 Old Lady Rest Stop (Route 111)
16830A6F EEFE51C8 Ever Grande City
F0EC26B8 31EC5657 Southern Island
734D21AC ABA1D48F Petalburg City
4CF78722 99D85A9F Slateport City
B49EB935 5B46BF8B Mauville City
93DF5785 8CD8CE27 Rustboro City
B6D1DB88 5987C390 Fortree City
EF6C4684 7B994DBB Lilycove City
872D5923 BC0EB4CF Mossdeep City
1DE2E5F2 55690815 Sootopolis City
16830A6F EEFE51C8 Ever Grande City
F89BD08B ED8D449E Littleroot Town
8F7BB880 613514DE Oldale Town
26FE9036 CFBAF75B Dewford Town
05DF8009 6EB6EEA8 Lavaridge Town
7F7F34B1 DC5CFBD6 Fallarbor Town
453A42B4 BE47C4F9 Verdanturf Town
9697749C BF836364 Pacifidlog Town
7DE5E94F 91EB4C93 Route 101
0333BAF0 0661FE19 Route 102
D9E2E15D 589AC20A Route 103
A6BE8B1F 442B2029 Route 104
0ACBA427 D063137D Route 105
35B2E915 9E9D0012 Route 106
AFAE04F5 6CCDFB3E Route 107
289910FE A48BEDF5 Route 108
3845BE84 2E324169 Route 109
04E9A63A 1BC8E597 Route 110
AB0C156A D5A95250 Route 111
025B426C 12639FAC Route 112
1879ADB1 CB62A316 Route 113
25D9C1E7 766EBE07 Route 114
F2D1DB2B C9CDE60B Route 115
4226147F 51EAECCA Route 116
A23F358D 29D6AFD2 Route 117
F32D560C 20C2FA1D Route 118
69007B18 B8CE5066 Route 119
E2523DAE 9D543CE3 Route 120
69BAFFE1 5E6BECD9 Route 121
62E24072 7AB96124 Route 122
CD6BFF27 4018232F Route 123
F0780A4C BE2572E1 Route 124
D764542D 1F715705 Route 125
5BD6DFED 7797FB20 Route 126
3BC12070 90FE6FA2 Route 127
A493B39A 5368963E Route 128
C90EDBEB 39D9C505 Route 129
1ADFAD12 1CB122C4 Route 130
0C2F5CD4 EE816009 Route 131
D73F6AC5 4E85B7CA Route 132
A341954E 09968A73 Route 133
183802E7 7C6B0493 Route 134
1739A0F3 901C5B31 Roof of Lilycove store
8C063672 554BB9F0 Fishing Guy House In Mossdeep City
FDED4F7D 2A13DD75 House in Sootopolis
A6055686 6BBE73A4 Phoebe
09EDE2F1 3427F11B Meteor Falls
EE78DDCD 09A4CAAB Fiery Path
6178C413 3E2FF736 Sydney
4D2F801B 9780575E Phoebe
F6BA99A2 2C76B7F6 Glacia
B392516A 1E1E40E7 Drake
D2B96473 9D56B7D8 Wallace
3A0BFB51 00ED22B2 Pokemon Center(the one before the E4)
CE3EF9E9 3C41A95C Hall of Fame
28C0A6F2 8513BE9A Safari Zone
8B15AE7E 9AAD3F68 Meteor Falls 1
C30FBBE6 DC63532F Meteor Falls 2
12578D2F 0AA6FB9E Meteor Falls 3
2589A93D F3FFB10C Meteor Falls 4
3ACDD41E AD84C3F9 Rusturf Tunnel
2AD334DD 7DC12C96 Underwater (Sootopolis City)
5CEE6819 2848B620 Desert Ruins
E7195B55 A78FB01D Granite Cave 1
945E7339 173DF9AD Granite Cave 2
EC6C1793 76F8C6E2 Granite Cave 3
34B80DAD FA204034 Granite Cave 4(Steven)
F82E6DED C0205840 Petalburg Woods
93E2A255 5873FC81 Mt.Chimney
01ED4C9B E13C4024 Jagged Pass
44D6EB21 171BD8DA Fiery Path
689B4DB0 C82119D7 Mt.Pyre 1(Inside)
A450AE11 A3B3688B Mt.Pyre 2(Inside)
9428FA10 B0D22CAF Mt.Pyre 3(Inside)
41EF9B9A 743E6855 Mt.Pyre 4(Inside)
6BB63016 1122AC44 Mt.Pyre 5(Inside)
E4F3B7E2 DB835642 Mt.Pyre Top(Inside)
FED97B7A 73C3A557 Mt.Pyre 1(Outside)
9CCC9C01 A4BB0BC6 Mt.Pyre Top(Outside)
2B8BCCED 9D2E7CC1 Aqua Hideout 1
FC264450 2D907E4F Aqua Hideout 2
326AF3AD 3EF0FADD Aqua Hideout 3
E9948A36 18A43F4A Underwater(Seafloor Cavern)
D31699F4 49C25336 Seafloor Cavern 1
01A5F827 5BFCE637 Seafloor Cavern 2
D525D063 FC0BE3ED Seafloor Cavern 3
BDF5F0FF 909E4F4F Seafloor Cavern 4
F9F16FC0 E9D2DB5A Seafloor Cavern 5
2D1428A1 6C3598E5 Seafloor Cavern 6
5F0EB697 1DF5B4B8 Seafloor Cavern 7
920A7F89 0F907C2A Seafloor Cavern 8
637CB055 FA8CB5B7 Seafloor Cavern 9
A6C49BB0 790AD1CF Seafloor Cavern 10
F94D9C59 8E44B1FD Cave of Origin 1
51F83940 1F1D4074 Cave of Origin 2
BAD22590 7BC0B633 Cave of Origin 3
E96BB1BD 6A918C74 Cave of Origin 4
C3D813F0 18BEFF1D Cave of Origin 5
6C2E2E64 CCCB6AF4 cave of Origin 6
29A1BB9F 7597347F Victory Road 1
B0643A23 AABC6584 Victory Road 2
66D5FD35 4FF24CAF Victory Road 3
5A82DDA5 3EE48807 Shoal Cave 1
3A4924C9 02AB4E27 Shoal Cave 2
F514B707 0B77849A Shoal Cave 3(no water)
228CEFAA 892BA96B Shoal Cave 4(no water)
B48F494A AB19D8C9 Shoal Cave 1(surfing)
873FF660 BD9FC47E Shoal Cave 2(near bridge,no water)
7F9CEE84 60922F8D New Mauville 1
A436303B D4F71A29 New Mauville 2
16EBB0DB E1C1C203 Abandoned Ship 1
368E508E 6A81358E Abandoned Ship 2
023ABF68 8614F56E Abandoned Ship 3
D6CE78E5 A05C3208 Abandoned Ship 4
C90DFC23 F42D5EED Abandoned Ship 5
A937A21B BDE6F5DA Abandoned Ship 6
FB514259 C8393E27 Abandoned Ship 7
EB37D90E F0C00BFB Abandoned Ship 8
BAADAAB5 C9B7735A Abandoned Ship 9
E90852FE 498AA6A2 Abandoned Ship 10
40B0AAA8 1A838C90 Abandoned Ship 11
A64CA032 0DBB5271 Abandoned Ship 12
91102404 79845435 Abandoned Ship 13
F8A26E0B EACA612A Island Cave
23BB6E2D 5625207C Ancient Tomb
47E2FE51 EE729CDA Underwater, near Regi
CF02A51E 0DCE6949 Same as above^
4BE69890 6F45215A Entrance of place where you activate Regis
91D4A1FE 701BA1F3 Place where you activate Regis
695C9C26 3243C417 Scorched Slab(Cave where you got TM11 Sunny Day)
0E2A9416 7BEA4915 Aqua Hideout
625068FF B8D9DB81 Aqua Hideout(in a room with a warp point)
7D6A5D05 5BC4B74C Aqua Hideout once again (different place in there)
C4338331 146F9E5C Sky Pillar 1
BDBB4C0E 2E34E26E Sky Pillar 2
3A338DB4 782BE901 Sky Pillar 3
1BF011B4 44F64692 Sky Pillar 4
E51D81E5 E7942921 Sky Pillar 5
937B1FE6 8479FB19 Sky Pillar 6
3B51207B 0268D4E0 Sky Pillar 7
5734DBE6 3E9A5F62 Sky Pillar 8
37A21411 E441F3EA Top of Sky Pillar
9AA83A82 81BEF3E1 Magma Hideout 1
81A6E3F4 20B90696 Magma Hideout 2
F6A15CF3 954EDFC2 Magma Hideout 3
72E2E569 327026E0 Magma Hideout 4
A2842D2D 7AAE085F Magma Hideout 5
19EFC418 3C748823 Magma Hideout 6
71837BD2 3FA4B262 Magma Hideout 7
D9698E78 51CE0643 Magma Hideout 8
7572668C A25C844C Mirage Pillar 1
D5004355 398C8113 Mirage Pillar 2
9A6E4A93 E6670C5D Mirage Pillar 3
A24BACCD CEE66E3A Mirage Pillar 4
A74FB133 AAC2ACE1 Desert Underpass
7DC043F4 06E4B479 Artisan Cave 1
77621DAE AAF9DA26 Artisan Cave 2
F0EC26B8 31EC5657 Southern Island
D672577F BE1C6F7C Building next to Battle Tower in Battle Frontier
4D2A5A81 4E69A107 Battle Frontier
8DEB234A 4C8DC5EC Faraway Island (Mew)
E124B2B1 A46B45AB Faraway Island 2
4A99A22B 58284D2D Birth Island (Deoxys)
842CB8A9 7F8B0149 Navel Rock (Lugia and Ho-oh)
Most Used Pokemon Ultimate Fusion Cheat Code
- Rare Candy Cheat Code
- Master Ball Cheat Code
- Walk Through Walls Cheat Code
- Unlimited Money Cheat Code
- Wild Pokemon Modifier Cheat Code
These are currently the only working cheat codes we know of. If you know any other working cheat codes for Pokemon Ultimate Fusion, please let us know in the comments and we will include them in the post.
Other Cheat Codes:
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