Pokémon Emerald Seaglass is a recently popular GBA ROM hack that’s catching the community’s interest. Many players are enjoying it and providing positive

All of these Pokemon Emerald Seaglass Cheats have been tested and are working. To avoid any typing mistakes, you can copy the codes directly into your emulator

Pokemon Emerald Plus Plus Legendary Pokemon Locations. Regirock – Desert Ruins Regice – Island Cave Registeel – Ancient Tomb Heatran – Mt Chimney

Pokemon Elite Redux Pokemon Locations. Only special encounters are listed here - all normal encounters location is found in the Online Dex

Looking for a guide to help you navigate Pokemon Perfect Fire red? Look no more, I've got you covered! Several Pokémon are only obtainable through events. Read

Pokemon Perfect Emerald Pokemon Locations, Keep in mind those encounters are rare, some of then are extreme rare, so it doesn't affect the ‘’normal’’ emerald